O'Dochartaigh Clann Association's Internet Community - Our Vision is the Past, Present and Future

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These are our Work Teams.  Some have leaders and waiting for volunteers, others have volunteers who are waiting for leaders.  None of them are filled completely.
Our association is dedicated to helping every person in our family.  In order for anyone to get that help, we need to share information, resources and duties.  We should all add a little help, give a little time and share in the support.  If this is done we will secure our own success.  We will also leave a wonderful and proud legacy for generations to come.
Please review this list to see where you'd like to add your talents.  There are friendly and fun-loving people eager to meet you and have you to join their team. 


Reunion Committee will assist with local & regional family reunions, support the Grand Reunion in Ireland, hold seminar based events and help establish more local reunions.  The positions on this committee shall be:

  • Reunion Director 
  • Local Reunion Coordinator 
  • Festival Coordinator
  • Other Reunion Committee Members

Public Relations Committee will organize and oversee the New Membership Drives and any and all Advertising & Public Relations initiatives.  This team will also work closely with other teams, such as the Website Team, Reunion Team and Newsletter Team.  It will have the following positions: 

  • Advertising Director
  • Project/Campaign Managers
  • Copy Writers and Designers
  • Advertsing Consultants

Communication Committee will form a Newsletter Team and Distribution Team inorder to prepare quarterly newsletters from the members to the members.  The committee will be made up of the following positions:

  • Newsletter Director 
  • Editors and Writers
  • Graphic Artist and Designers
  • Proofreaders
  • Printing Manager  
  • Distribution Manager & Team

Genealogy Committee will help members get a good start on their family genealogy research and help to make it a successfully rewarding endeavor.  It will also help connect members of the same family group and build sharing and research teams.   This will be a large committee that will probably divide up into smaller teams, such as Research Team Coordinators, Educational Team, Data Collection & Storage Team.  This Committee will have the following positions:                

  • Genealogy Director 
  • Genealogy Educators
  • Genealogy Research Facilitators
  • Website/Computer Technicians
  • Genealogy Technicians
  • Genealogy Database Manager      

Historical Committee will document the history of our various Family Groups as well as the origins of our Clan.  This Committee will have the following positions: 

  • Family History  Director
  • Family History Researchers
  • Writers

Website Committee will plan, design, create, monitor and maintain our clan's websites.  They will also work closely with each committee to see that each one has a web-presence.  The positions on this committee shall be:

  • Web Director
  • Website Developers
  • Website Content Writers & Designers
  • Website Monitors

Legal Committee will offer legal support, guidance and warning to the leadership and the committees of our association.  The positions on this committee shall be:  

  • Legal Director 
  • Legal Counselors

Membership Growth Committee will organize, design and implement membership drives for the purpose of gaining new talent and finding new genealogy information.  This committee will work closely with the Public Relations Committee.  The positions on this committee shall be:

  • Member Growth Director
  • Campaign Managers and Developers
  • Copy Writers & Designers
  • Database Manager

Member Services Committee will welcome new members to the association and acquaint new members to the goals, mission and legal documents of our organization.  It will also solicit member's ideas and comments through pollings and encourage members to become active.  This committee will maintain a close contact with all members.  The positions on this committee shall be:  

  • Member Services Director 
  • Polsters/Solicitors 
  • Member Reps 
  • Recruiters

Finance Committee will be responsible for all accounting and monitary transactions.  It will assist the Board in preparing an annual budget for efficient use of funds.  It will report financial activities as requested to the Board, including fiscal financial statements.  The positions on this committee shall be:

  • Director of Finance
  • Billing Coordinators
  • Accounting Consultants and Associates

Fund Raising Committee will plan and organize both fund raising events and the selling of merchandise in order to raise money for the Association or bring awareness to an event, publication, website or other matters as directed by the President.  The positions on this committee shall be:

  • Fund Raising Manager
  • Merchandisers
  • Fund Raiser Specialists

Irish Culture Committee will research Irish art, literature, music, traditions, language and customs to help our members learn about the Irish people and culture.  It will also improve relations between our members and those living in Inishowen.  It will consist of the following positions:

  • Irish Culture Director
  • Irish Researchers
  • Irish Current Events Reporters

Learning Center Committee (Library) will collect both  books and information on books (and other reference material), which are associated wtih the O'Dochartaigh Clann or of Inishowen, Donegal County or of Ireland, to some degree to form a Learning Center.  Literary works by O'Dochartaighs are also to be included.  Websites that fall in this same general description will also be recorded for the edification of our members.  The positions on this committee shall be: 

  • Director of the Learning Center 
  • Reference Material Coordinators
  • Searchers and Examiners
  • Reviewers and Catalogers

Restoration, Archive and Clan Artifacts Committee (not yet active)

Awards, Scholarships & Grants Committee (not yet active)


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